Posts for: Insight
We found 170 results for "Insight"
There are no more ‘lemonade stands’ in the corporate world
Early in my consulting career, large corporates frequently had what were referred to as ‘lemonade stands’. These were small-to-sizeable yet...
The Founder’s Journey Starts with Self-Evolution
Charismatic personalities and big egos dominate stories about our era's most influential tech leaders. What you don't often hear about,...
Selected Stories for this Caribbean-American Heritage Month
As we come to the end of Caribbean-American Heritage Month, I have been thinking a lot about the stories we...
The Founder’s Journey: A Challenge Like No Other
While every founder is unique, the challenges inherent to scaling a company are not. RHR’s Seven Navigation Challenges of the...
What is intersectionality and why does it matter?
Intersectionality is the place where forms of discrimination meet, mutually reinforce one another, and create dynamics that are damaging in...
Why Pride Month is the Perfect Time to Think about Belonging
“Queer not as being who you are having sex with—that can be a dimension of it—but queer as being about...
Shaping a New Story for our Teams
The way our priorities and anchor points have shifted in the last two years is fascinating. It was a privilege...
Self-Compassion Helps You Lead with Heart
Since the pandemic, there has been a fundamental shift in corporate leadership style. The predominant change is a need for...
Why Our Stories Matter in Mental Health Awareness
In recent years, the awareness around mental health has grown exponentially as more and more individuals reveal their struggles about...
The CEO as a Potential Risk Factor
“That's the biggest risk a board has—is if you pick the wrong CEO…” Warren Buffett June 24, 2021 Warren Buffett,...