Ann Demarais


+01 888-888-8888


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An associate at RHR International, Ann Demarais is a highly experienced executive coach and business consultant. She has worked globally with Fortune 100 companies in a wide variety of industries, including technology, financial services, media, advertising, pharmaceuticals, education, and more.

In her coaching, Ann helps executives gain insight into their personal style, communicate more effectively, elevate their strategic-thinking skills, and better harness their team’s talent. She also guides leaders in developing mindfulness to enhance their relationships and intellectual focus and improve their work/life balance. In addition, Ann assists leaders in managing organizational transitions by creating a shared vision, aligning diverse cultures, and adapting to evolving conditions. 

When working with clients, Ann uses thoughtful questions as well as practical tips that can be easily implemented. Her feedback is compassionate yet direct, focused on helping people grow and project their true best selves. She is an expert in interpersonal style and coauthor of First Impressions: What You Don’t Know About How Others See You, published by Random House. Ann also holds a PhD in neuroscience and cognitive psychology from New York University and is certified in numerous assessment tools, including Hogan Assessments.

Based in New York City, Ann is an art enthusiast who enjoys exploring galleries to see works in person as well as making her own. She also loves spending time in nature at her home in upstate New York and trying her hand at creative writing.