Maja Egnell


+01 888-888-8888

Maja Egnell is a leadership consultant at RHR. Leveraging her 20 years of industry experience and a multinational worldview, Maja works to achieve a simple goal: to impact change and help people succeed. Born and raised in Sweden, Maja brings to the table her business psychology background, leadership development skills, and global perspective. She specializes in cultivating senior team effectiveness and accelerating the development of leaders for clients in the pharmaceutical, consumer goods, private equity, technology, retail, construction, and project development realms.

Maja’s own cultural background and her experience working across the globe have allowed her to apply unique and practical solutions to her work at RHR. For Maja, strength in leadership coaching and talent management lies in a deep understanding not only of a person but also of the culture that shapes them. She finds that digging deep and asking the right questions to create maximum impact for her clients is extremely rewarding.

Maja’s talent-management career began at Skanska, where she headed the firm’s leadership-succession efforts. Prior to Skanska, she worked as a business psychologist at the consultancy firm PAT Management in Lund, Sweden. Maja graduated from Umeå University in 2001 with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She is a psychologist licensed by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare and a member of the Swedish Psychological Association. Additionally, Maja is a certified coach with ICF and the Hudson Institute of Coaching and is certified in organizational development with the National Training Laboratories (NTL) Institute. When she’s not working, she enjoys listening to podcasts, cooking, hiking, traveling, and spending time with friends and her two teenage children.

Focus Areas

  • Team effectiveness 
  • Executive coaching 
  • Executive assessment 
  • Women in leadership

Special Skills

  • Depth coaching—helping unlock internal barriers to growth
  • Global leadership
  • Group dynamics and facilitation
  • Systems thinking and ability to apply unique, practical solutions


  • Umeå University, master’s degree, clinical psychology
  • Licensed psychologist, Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare
  • Member of the Swedish Psychological Association
  • Certified coach with ICF and the Hudson Institute of Coaching
  • Immunity to Change facilitator
  • Certified in organizational development with the NTL Institute

Leadership philosophy
All humans have an inherent ability to grow and progress. Our relationships with others can both hamper and unleash that potential. This is why the quality of connection is the most important foundation for leadership success.

Listening to podcasts, cooking, hiking, traveling, and spending time with her friends and two teenage children.