Don’t Just Fix Symptoms—Evolve the Team
Two of the most common reasons that executive teams seek external help are: navigating conflict troubles and a lack of trust. Often, the request comes in the form of, “Can you facilitate a team-building offsite?” Typically, the goal is to foster bonding, clear the air, or simply help people get to know each other. While this approach might feel like it’s taking meaningful action, a one-off event is little more than a band-aid. Whether that band-aid is plain or has a flashy design, it doesn’t fix the underlying issues.
If your team’s performance is critical to your company’s success, focusing on evolving the team—over time—will yield far greater results. Just like building a house, multiple elements matter, but the sequence is key. Start with the foundation, move to the framing, and so on.
Step 1: The Leader Matters Most
Nowhere is the shadow of the leader more evident than it is with their team. Leadership cannot be outsourced or staffed around, no matter how skilled the HR partner or other team members may be. If the leader of the team isn’t ready to take full ownership of the role in driving the team’s success, that’s the first issue to address. This might mean having a tough conversation, finding a coach, or even finding a new leader. Leaders doesn’t need to be flawless, but they must be willing to reflect on their actions, adapt, and grow. A leader who deflects responsibility will render any feedback or investment futile.
Step 2: Evaluate the Team’s Composition
Are the right people in the right roles? While some changes may be pending, due to retirements or transitions, make any feasible decisions now. Avoid being overly focused on style—just because someone is central to a conflict doesn’t mean they’re the core problem. Sometimes, the person willing to raise uncomfortable truths is the one the team needs most. Removing them might make interactions easier but could undermine the team’s effectiveness.
Step 3: Assess the Team
Take a step back to evaluate where the team excels and where it struggles. At RHR, we start with a comprehensive team assessment. High-performing teams succeed across four fundamental areas: the What, How, Who, and Why.
- What: strategy, shared agenda, roles, and responsibilities.
- How: processes, decision-making, meeting cadence, and norms.
- Who: personality styles, team culture, and belonging.
- Why: the team’s purpose, values, and stakeholder alignment.
The leader’s influence touches all these areas.
Step 4: Create a Plan for Evolution
Once the assessment is complete, a clear, actionable plan for team evolution is essential. Remember, meaningful change doesn’t happen in a single offsite. It requires a series of deliberate experiences and critical conversations—both collectively and individually—with time in between to process, implement, and refine.
Why Sequence Matters
Consider the issues of trust and conflict mentioned earlier. These challenges often stem from deeper structural or alignment problems, not just interpersonal dynamics. Misaligned goals, conflicting priorities, unclear roles, poor communication, or a divisive leader can all fuel dysfunctions. Addressing these foundational issues first is critical. Only then can interventions, targeting interpersonal relationships, have a lasting impact. When done correctly and in the right order, these efforts can transform team dynamics.
The Long-Term Impact of High-Performing Teams
Simply put, high-performing teams drive high-performing companies. They adapt, innovate, and inspire excellence in others. The impact doesn’t stop there—members of such teams go on to build high-performing teams of their own. The ripple effects of team building are transformative.
Go beyond quick fixes. Commit to evolving your teams into high-performing powerhouses that propel your organization forward. To begin a conversation with RHR, reach out to Robert Abramo, head of Business Development, today.