Building and Sustaining Great Boards: Practical Insights

June 15, 2021
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We are thrilled to announce the release of our ebook, Building and Sustaining Great Boards. Edited by Board & CEO Services co-chairs Deborah Rubin and Paul Winum, this book is a free resource dedicated to providing executive leaders with the tools for building and maintaining high-performing boards. Complete with practical advice and actionable strategies developed from decades of working with boards and senior executives, Building and Sustaining Great Boards contains key focus areas:


  • Building a great board
  • Board dynamics: the potential upside
  • The board/senior management relationship
  • Board renewal
  • CEO succession
Deborah Rubin is a Senior Partner and Head of RHR International’s Board & CEO Services offering. She specializes in CEO succession, senior executive and senior team development, and managing and implementing organizational change.