Learn how to help leaders successfully integrate into their new roles, teams, and environments.

Integration coaching (for both new-hire leaders and internal transfers) is a crucial onboarding process best undertaken within the first few months.
That’s because 53% of leaders cite grappling with the complexity inherent in their new roles as a significant challenge, and 50% report difficulties in engaging their teams virtually.
Some 47% also struggle with internal company dynamics and organizational politics. And these leadership challenges cut across age, gender, ethnic, and racial demographics.
Download the new white paper to review our latest research on what defines effective leader integration and how a program of RHR integration coaching can help your organization’s new leaders successfully manage their roles, teams, and environments.

To get your copy of Integration Coaching – White Paper, complete the following form, and we will send you a link.

Get In Touch

To learn more about how RHR can help your leaders integrate into their new roles, reach out today.

Daniel LeBreton 

Partner, Executive Coaching Lead

David Morgenbesser

Business Development Lead

