Joyce Godbold has been a professional editor and proofreader for over 20 years. With a degree in journalism from Northwestern University, she began her career working for advertising agencies. Many of her projects have appeared in radio and newspaper ads as well as TV commercials for the likes of McDonald’s, Discover, and Coca-Cola. She also makes sure presentations for clients are error-free, clear, and concise. Her experience includes work in the education and nonprofit fields, where she edited training manuals for teachers and books for students. Other clients included technical software and hardware producers and medical organizations, for whom she worked on informative documents such as periodicals and instruction manuals. Now Joyce has put this same dedication toward editing for business professionals. At a very young age, she became a lover of wordsmithery and is excited that her job at RHR enables her to learn from the firm’s consultants about what it takes to become a fabulous leader.