Beat Unconscious Bias

October 2, 2023
While very few people will ever openly admit they are biased, bias shows up for all of us, frequently and often outside of our awareness; and is commonly known as unconscious bias. Despite being unaware, unconscious biases have serious implications in the workplace for hiring, promotions, performance reviews and many other career-defining decisions and interactions.
In this piece, Cristina Jimenez shares the importance of educating ourselves in order to eliminate or control what we are unaware of, working to actively recognize and overcome these unconscious processes. Additionally, she shares the most common biases in organizations (confirmation bias, affinity bias, and conformity bias), as well as several others that are experienced in the workplace, and how dismantling these unconscious biases are not likely to happen in a 90-minute online program but rather when effectively coupled with other programs and a shift in an organization’s process or policies.