Ensuring that the right CEO is leading the company is one of the most important responsibilities of a board.
We have over 70 years experience working with some of the world’s most ambitious companies helping them to deliver effective CEO Succession.
We align your board members on the company’s vision, strategy, and challenges, and the implications for what is needed in the future CEO.
We develop the optimum candidate profile to ensure your next CEO has the skills and capabilities to meet the future needs of your company.
We assess your potential candidates (internal and external) using our Winning Formula methodology, and provide feedback on each candidate’s fit, readiness, strengths, and gaps.
We help you ensure that key stakeholders view the process as fair with minimal bias while delivering the best possible outcome.
Once we have identified viable potential candidates, we help you to develop these individuals so that they are ready when the time comes to transition into the CEO role.
When you’ve chosen your next CEO, we help you to minimize the risks associated with the transition including talent retention of unsuccessful candidates.
Demonstrates sound corporate governance
A well-run CEO succession demonstrates to investors, customers, and employees that the board takes its responsibilities seriously, building the reputation of the company and its board.
Enables a smooth transition
A well-designed process enables a smooth transition of leadership. It allows the company to prepare for the new leader and maximizes the retention of unsuccessful candidates.
Increases the company’s capacity to deliver
A robust approach to CEO succession increases the company’s capacity to deliver performance in a rapidly
changing landscape and creates a competitive advantage.
A well-run CEO succession process enables the company to look beyond the current CEO’s tenure, anticipate what is needed moving forward, and equip the next leaders to successfully navigate a rapidly evolving external landscape.
Mitigates risk
An effective succession plan ensures that the company is prepared for any eventuality and reduces the risk of poorly managed transitions, instability, or business decline. This preparedness is essential in today’s volatile business environment.
Ensures the right person
for the job
A robust process allows the board and the company to identify, develop, and select the best candidate, ensuring that the next CEO has the capabilities to lead the company and drive its success.
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