Leadership Succession in Action at RHR International

January 6, 2023

As the new year ushers in a time of renewal, RHR is delighted to announce the succession of four senior leaders into newly created roles. These positions underpin the future commercial direction of the business, which will continue to expand into emerging leadership domains and an ever diversifying global client base. 

Jessica Foster, Joanna Starek, Chris Treadwell, and Steve Gilbert, all previously part of RHR’s senior leadership team, assumed their positions as of January 3, 2023, bringing renewed energy and fresh thinking to the opportunities that lie ahead for RHR. As RHR continues to evolve and respond to the needs of the market, it’s timely that we adjust our senior leadership team to make more space for colleagues who can help us grow in new and innovative ways.

We take great pride in the fact that our organization acts as a role model for the work that we do. The changes we have made reflect a thoughtful and planned succession process that reinforces RHR’s values, secures our future, and builds from our position of strength.

Senior leadership successors:

  • Jessica Foster assumes the role of president of RHR International and will have oversight of the entire field organization. Jessica’s entrepreneurial energy and appetite for innovation are strongly aligned with the future direction of our business. She brings a distinct combination of decisive business leadership and deep expertise as an industrial and organizational psychologist, ensuring RHR’s future is in the right hands.


  • Joanna Starek takes up the role of chief commercial officer, which represents an important change in the way our business operates. All RHR’s client-facing services will now be under one commercial organization led by Joanna, creating a better and more seamless experience for our clients. Joanna is intrinsically connected to the market and will ensure that everything we offer is in response to what forward-looking businesses need.


  • As we continue to deliver world-class impact to a broader diversity of clients than ever before, Chris Treadwell and Steve Gilbert step into new global roles, leading our executive consulting and scaled consulting teams, respectively. These two roles will bring a systemic approach to people, culture, and quality in all that we do as a firm.


Commenting on the activation of RHR’s senior leadership succession, Dante Capitano, CEO of RHR International said:


“We take great care and time to ensure well-planned internal succession at RHR. This is evident in the changes we’re making in 2023, which ensure continuity and, importantly, bring fresh thinking to the business. We’ve nurtured a senior leadership team that can build on the legacy of the last seven decades and take us into the future. I’m excited to see the next chapter taking shape under the stewardship of a new generation of leaders.”